
Some Timely Trading Jokes

samedi 12 mai 2018
A little bit of humor to get your Friday off to a chuckle:

Chart - what you check after you exit trading, trying to understand what went wrong.

Day Trading - trading which you start too late or exit too early.

Margin - (if you are up) a safe situation with huge potential return (if you are down) an evil trick by Unseen Forces that can cause you losing more money than you have.

Margin Call - what happens when your broker makes an accounting mistake.

Moving Average - a curly line that has nothing to do with price movement if you have an open position.

Position Trading - day trading that went the wrong way right after you took a position.

Trend Line - an imaginary line on the price chart that only changes when the market is closed or when you are not looking.

Source: wants you to be a successful trader

Some Timely Trading Jokes

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