
(Req) Does anybody know of the option trading method of trading one day a month for profits

mercredi 12 octobre 2016
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Stock Options Trading, Stock Options Trading Guide | Dr.Singh Options

How to make money in up..down..flat..choppy.. market?
dr singh says
I wrote about my experiences in the book, Stock Options-Work ½ Hour A Day. I wrote about 28 strategies to trade options. After writing the book, there was still one piece missing from the puzzle. When, exactly, was the best time to trade options?

I solved that puzzle by researching flat, bull and bear markets from 2009 to 2014.

I discovered that, if you enter your trades on one particular day of the every month of the year and within certain parameters, you get a success rate of over 90%. My research report provides that date for every month of the year and the parameters.

What is the proof of success?
The proof and logics behind the above success rate have been provided in 200 pages of the research report.
However, the complete process to pick the trading day, stocks and strike prices can be done in under a minute by a software program. The simple one page instructions can be easily followed by an average person with or without any knowledge of options or computers.
I have already done thousands of hours of testing and back-testing with my own money before I finally presented this simple strategy on one sheet of paper. It is a totally mechanical process which does not involve any technical/ fundamental analysis or any thinking on your part. The software picks up the options on a pre-decided date of every month and they expire on the 3rd Friday of every month.

What is my success secret and the secret of most self-made billionaires
Very simple:
just Do the opposite to what 98% of the world does.

I learned this art from 12 poor immigrants who made billions using this concept.
I authored a book, How 12 Immigrants Made Billions, when they made it to the Forbes list of the world’s richest people.

With a total of $8 in my pocket, I rose from the slums of India to a mansion in the one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of the United States by using this secret to success.

Is there any person on this forum that used the method given by dr singh?
can somebody share the method details etc?

my 2 cents on this matter
Me and all of my friends-nobody heard of dr singh or his methods.
A youtube video shows nice car,big mansion,vast area -which seems a show off.
what the world does and how we do opposite of 80 percent looser traders of options?

the world buys options and lets them expire. They wait for options to expire worthless.
one has to sell options.
selling puts in right environment of market is advised by experts like Andy crowder, JimFink Mark Dannenberg (selling spreads)etc
One method used by one expert is called use the Forgiveness Factor when you trade Credit Spreads.
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(Req) Does anybody know of the option trading method of trading one day a month for profits

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