
(Req) Jump start day trading program by jean yu--has anybody seen it or used it?

jeudi 15 septembre 2016
hi friends

JEAN YU is a trading mentor.
He runs a website called A 7 TRADING ACADEMY.
he sells a thing called jumpstart day trading program.

he says traders basically suffer from 3 big problems or mistakes they make.

3 big mistakes traders make

1. they enter too late into trades
2. they exit too early from trades.
3. traders stay too long in trade.
traders stay so long in trades that their winners turn into loosers.
they ride winners so long till winners turn loosers.

How to change things?
suppose if you are are able to do 20 percent better on entry or exit or improve 20 percent on staying long
then a big improvement in profitability occurs.

I wish to know if anyone has the jean yu course to share.
please see the image posted below.


(Req) Jump start day trading program by jean yu--has anybody seen it or used it?

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