
(Share) Script to disable EA on news

mardi 9 août 2016
This script is gold!


It is unique. It will disable all the expert advisors of the current terminal when a news related to the forex pairs currencies will emerge.

It will be usefull for ex4 files that you can't modify to implement a news filter inside.

You have to put it in the scripts folder.

You can set :

- ApplySecondsInterval, the number of seconds of interval between two calculationS (to lower cpu charges),
- DisableMinBeforeNews, number of minutes before the news to disable all expert advisors,
- EnableMinAfterNews, number of minutes after the news to enable all expert advisors,
- MinimumImpact, 1 = yellow, orange and red news; 2 = orange and red news, 3 = red news,
- ForceALL, consider all the news,
- ForceAUD, consider the two currencies of the pair, AND the AUD news,

And then drag it on ONE chart.

developer : fxtester on
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(Share) Script to disable EA on news

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